This Club is fully committed to safeguarding, promoting and supporting the protection and wellbeing of all children in our care. We recognise our responsibility to promote safe practice and to protect children from harm, abuse and exploitation. We embrace difference and diversity and respect the rights of all children and young people. Everyone at the Club will be made aware of the policies and procedures in place to protect children in our care and to promote their wellbeing.

Underpinning principles:

1. A child is recognised as someone under the age of 18

2. A child has the right to relax, play and join in a wide range of sporting activities

 3. The protection and wellbeing of all children in our care is everyone’s responsibility

4. A child, whatever their age, culture, disability, gender, language, racial origin, socio-economic status, religious belief and/or sexual identity has the right to protection from all forms of harm and abuse

5. A child has the right to express views on all matters that affect them, should they wish to do so

 6. A child’s rights, wishes and feelings should be respected and promoted

 7. The best way to promote the wellbeing, health and development of a child is to work in partnership with the child, parents/carers and other relevant organisations

To keep children safe in our Club we will:

 • Promote the wellbeing of children through opportunities to take part in cricket safely

• Put in place policies and procedures to promote the wellbeing and protection of children

• Appoint a Club Child Wellbeing and Protection Officer

• Recruit, train and support our cricket volunteers/staff to prioritise the wellbeing of children who take part in our activities and protect them from harm

• Require our cricket volunteers/staff to adopt and abide by this policy and our Code of Conduct and to follow as appropriate the Safe in Cricket Good Practice guidelines and other Cricket Scotland recommended procedures for working with children

• Respond to any child wellbeing or protection concerns in line with this policy and the said guidelines and procedures.

• Monitor, review and evaluate the implementation of this policy and the said guidelines and procedures regularly

If you have any concerns about the wellbeing of a child at our Club, please do not hesitate to contact the Club Child Wellbeing and Protection Officer (CWPO): PHIL YELLAND


If you have an immediate and serious concern about the safety of a child, contact the police and/or your local social work child protection team. Contact details of social work can be found on the relevant local authority website